Friday, January 28, 2011

Working for the church while your life falls apart, Singing hallelujah with the fear in your heart*

*Thank God for the Arcade Fire.

They weave bombastic and haunting melodies together with floating, grandiose lyrics mostly expressing pain and trouble.

This is the band that took over an abandoned church in Montreal to record the album Neon Bible, and the inspiration led them to weave in enormous organ movements with drums and elegant, sad, angry, fearful, and proud lyrics.

The one song on my ipod that consistently brings tears to my eyes is "Intervention".

In the world of Arcade Fire's music, every little thing has alarming meaning in the narrative of our intersecting lives on earth. This isn't consequence-free listening.

Music like this could very well fall into the bad-rap categories of "angsty" or "emo".

But we live in a world where it's easy to struggle with expressing emotion-- the really big, alternatingly amazing and awful emotions that make us uncomfortably human. There are plenty of things that could make it feel difficult to do so... religion, relationships, occupation.... our own selves.

In this world, music is not an escape, it is self-expression. When I am listening to it, it is feeling whatever I am feeling.

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